Juniper (Blue Star (Dwarf))

Blue Star (Dwarf): 2 Gallon Pot2 Gallon Pot

2 Gallon Pot
$ 37.99


Product Details

DescriptionBlooming TimeFlower ColourHeightLightSoil MoistureSpreadZone

2 Gallon Pot Blue Star (Dwarf) Slow growing, Irregularly branched, dense, evergreen shrub. Young, needle type leaves have bluish tint. Vertical branches resemble tips of a star.

Current plant height 30cm / 12"

2 Gallon PotBlue Star (Dwarf) Insignificant

2 Gallon PotBlue Star (Dwarf) Insignificant

2 Gallon PotBlue Star (Dwarf) 3' / 90cm

2 Gallon PotBlue Star (Dwarf) Full sun

2 Gallon PotBlue Star (Dwarf) Moist

2 Gallon PotBlue Star (Dwarf) 3' / 90cm

2 Gallon PotBlue Star (Dwarf) 5
